Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Nyumburu Black Male Initiative Program

The Black Male Initiative Program's Mission

"The Black Male Initiative (BMI) Program is dedicated to the establishment of brotherhood, scholarship, and retention of Black Males at the University of Maryland. BMI has a commitment to impact the campus and wider communities through collective activism and leadership that promotes the uplifting and empowerment of Black Men."

One of the ideals within the leadership of BMI is that no leader can be truly effective if he is not well informed about the critical issues which affect his community. We make it a point to inform all of the members of BMI about those critical issues which affect so many of our communities, both on and off-campus.Our leadership is in no way, shape, form, or fashion rooted in incessant discussions about the aforementioned issues. We candidly discuss issues and create productive solutions to them in which our members can actively work towards improving. Our leadership is geared towards activism which is rooted in strengthening and improving our communities!

The BMI program is geared to empowering individuals and communities by creating an atmosphere based around community involvement and community based solutions. We want to see communities all over the US start to build programs like BMI. We would like to begin to network with other groups from other communities, in an effort to establish close knit ties with communities throughout the country and the globe. If we can duplicate similar programs, in style and focus, we can make steady improvements within our communities. These improvements will lend towards the establishment of a more engaged and civically focused community. It will also allow members from various communities network with one another, help one another, and break down imposed walls of isolation and communication.

If anyone would like to collaborate with BMI or get advice as to how you might be able to start your own BMI, within your community, please contact us at:

We are all Family!

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